U.S. Nurse Perceptions Regarding Caring for Suspected, Probable and Confirmed Ebola Virus Disease Patients


Dear Nurse (Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, and / or Nurse Technicians / Assistants),

You are being asked to participate in 45-question nursing survey research study entitled “United States Nurse Perceptions Regarding Caring for Suspected, Probable and Confirmed Ebola Virus Disease Patients.” Nurse researchers from the Washington, D.C. area will examine hospital, ambulatory/outpatient facility, and clinic nurse perceptions regarding provision of care to suspected, probable, and confirmed Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) patients, and the potential impact of EVD emergence on the United States (US) nursing workforce.

This study has been determined as exempt by the Chesapeake Research Review, Inc., Institutional Review Board, Columbia, Md. The consent form describes the study. If you agree to participate, you will be prompted at the bottom of the consent form to access the survey. The consent form and survey can be accessed at the following live link:https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ebolasurvey1

Following the survey is a listing of websites to access EVD information.

Thank you for considering participation in this survey research.


Nursing Research Ebola Study Team